Doggy Home-Care Medicine Chest

by Amy D. Shojal(Subscribe to Amy D. Shojal’s posts) While your veterinarian diagnosesand prescribes for your dog’s health issues, canine first aid as well as minorproblems may benefit from human medicines. Let’s face it, Fido rarely tears aclaw or eats something iffy during regular clinic hours, so it’s helpful toknow how to use your pantry […]

Simple Ideas and Precautions to Take When Camping With Your Dog

I have so many great memories of camping with my parents as a child and have been blessed to have carried on our summer traditions with my own daughter and husband. A big part of our outdoor experiences has been our various dogs (sometimes even a cat or two)! Our dogs bring us such great […]

Safety & Caring For Your Dog On A Hiking Trip

Most of the dog owners who love adventures, take their dog along with them when they go for hiking. From time immemorial, humans have been taking dogs as their companions while they go for trailing and hiking to the different landscapes of the planet Earth. Ice Age is one popular movie of the recent times, […]