Here in N.C., it’s been snowing a bit lately…

via Best Hikes With Dogs

Bill Irwin, First Blind Hiker To Hike The Appalachian Trail, Is No Longer With Us

I read Bill Irwin's book during my 1994 thru-hike – very inspiring.  He was the first blind hiker to hike the entire Appalachian Trail and did it with the assistance of his dog Orient.  Sad to hear that he has passed over the weekend: “Bill Irwin, who in 1990 became the first and only blind […]

What You Should Do When Backpacking With Your Dog

Dogs love going on adventures with their owners and if you like hiking or camping and want to take your dog with you; there are a few things you should take into consideration to help keep your canine companion happy and safe. You should spend some time before your excursion to plan for your trip, […]

What Is Dog Backpacking?

Backpacking is one of the most loved activities in the American and European countries. However, when you want to take your dogs along for backpacking trips, there are many tips that should be considered by you. The idea of dogs carrying their backpacks is an excellent idea. It can ensure that these animals can help […]